Gold Coast Whale Watching season starts
We are now into the 3rd week of the Gold Coast whale watching season passing us on their annual migration along the east coast of Australia. Getaway Sailing has had a 100% sighting success rate in the 5 years we have been operating Gold Coast whale watching tours. This season we still have that 100% success. I have conducted 5 whale watching tours to date this season with humpbacks and dolphins on all of these tours.
Gold Coast Whale Watching
Getaway Sailing on the Gold Coast
Some footage from this season 2014
The humpback whales have been resting on their journey north bound to the Great Barrier Reef, snoozing in the warm waters of the Gold Coast which have been sitting around 23 C. We have had many inquisitive whales already this Gold Coast whale watching season with humpbacks swimming over to our stationary vessel and doing their own human watching. Many of them are juvenile whales from 2 years to 4 years old and swimming with their mother. I have come across one large pod so far this season having 11 whales in total swimming together. They were very busy these guys tail slapping and pectoral fin slapping. It is promising to be a fantastic Gold Coast whale watching season with a estimated 20,000 whales migrating past the Gold Coast. So thats 20,000 swimming north and the same 20,000 swimming south back to their feeding grounds later in the year. A total of 40,000 humpback whales to cruise past us over a 6 month period. 6 months equals 185 of Gold Coast whale watching. So 40,000 whales divided by 185 days equals around 216 Humpback whales per day!!!
Gold Coast Whale Watching Sailing Tours
Getaway Sailing on the Gold Coast offers private whale watching tours for you to view these animals in the silence of a sailing boat with a underwater hydrophone listening to the whale song and animal chatter.
Call 0438 453 769 or Click this link Gold Coast Whale Watching