Sailing with Whales and BNE Magazine
Humpback Splash down
Saturday the 14th of June was over cast and cool with a fresh WNW breeze blowing. Great for sailing and great for Whale watching. We were fortunate to have the editor of BNE Magazine (* Flip to page 18 for our story *) on board "Eau De Vie" for this charter and the whales gave us a wonderful display of nautical aerobatics. It did take us an hour to find some migrating humpbacks and we ended up around 5 miles east of Surfers Paradise with a pod of 3 whales. This pod grew by two for a while with five humpbacks cruising along side us. There was plenty of tail slapping, breaching and pectoral fin slapping.
The coming week shows good conditions for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday so we shall bring you more images and whale watching tails from the Coral Sea.
To book your own private Gold Coast Whale Watching adventure ph 0438 453 769 or contact us here via E-Mail
Or Click here for Gold Coast Whale Watching Charters